Results for Health

9 Strategies for Choosing the Right Health Insurance

August 14, 2018
The development of insurance shows a fairly high number in Indonesia, public awareness of the importance of protecting their health, lives and assets is one of the factors causing this. People are now smarter and understand the benefits that can be obtained from an insurance service.

It is also certainly welcomed by insurance service providers, where they try to always innovate and give birth to a variety of new insurance products. This is done to meet all customer needs and also provides many choices that can be tailored to the interests and needs of each of their service users.

The number of companies engaged in insurance services is also very large, this of course makes a business competition that is quite tight, so that these companies are competing to provide the best service for their service users.

Carefully Choose Insurance

Currently there are various types of insurance that you can make as an option, this of course makes you have to be really observant in selecting and choosing one of the insurance services that will be used. One of the most widely used insurance services is health insurance, where the number of users is fairly high compared to other types of insurance.

When you decide to use health insurance services, it is certain that you must understand all the policies and rules set out in the insurance policy, this right will prevent you from various losses that may arise due to incorrect understanding of the contents of the policy issued by insurance companies. You certainly don't want to experience this, right?

Although it looks the same, but every health insurance policy issued by an insurance company will have their differences and advantages. This is what you should look at before making a decision, where in many cases some customers feel disadvantaged due to lack of understanding and the provisions contained in the policy.

The following are some points that you can make as the right strategy in choosing health insurance:

1. Understand Needs

Understand Your Needs for Insurance via

The main thing you need to do before choosing health insurance is to clearly understand the insurance needs that you will use. This will really help you to be able to find and choose the most appropriate health insurance for you to use.

That way you can get the maximum benefit from using the insurance. Adjust the health insurance to your health needs and other family members, pay attention to every service provided by the insurance company in detail.

2. Select Protection Type

Choose the type of protection via

In some insurance companies, you can choose certain protection services beyond the standard services they provide, this of course will be accompanied by the imposition of a number of additional premium fees. But with this system, you can get a complete service that best suits your and your family's needs. Choose only services that are really needed, so the amount of premium that must be paid can be lighter.

3. Do Comparisons

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The large number of insurance service providers, of course makes you have many choices that can be considered. Make comparisons between one insurance company and another, this needs to be done carefully, so you can find the best health insurance service you want.

4. Adjust to the Budget

Adjust to the Budget via

No less important thing to consider is that with the financial budget you have for a health insurance service, don't let heavy premiums make your finances disruptive.

Insurance is a fixed expense that will last for a long period of time (several years), so it can be ascertained that this expenditure item will greatly affect your overall financial condition, because it needs careful consideration before you make a decision.

This can also be done by making a payment simulation, you can ask staff from the insurance company to help you do this.

By doing simulations, then you can measure your ability to pay for insurance premiums and ascertain what benefits you will get from the insurance because you have the opportunity to ask various insurance companies that you meet.

5. Consider the Insurance Company 
Get Good Credibility via

When making a decision about the insurance service provider company, it is mandatory for you to see and consider the credibility of the company, this will help you to avoid a number of losses that could occur in the coming days due to unprofessional actions of the company.

Search and collect accurate information about the performance and services of insurance companies, you can find all this easily through the internet or from friends or family who have used their services before. Be sure to choose the best company services and have a high reputation and credibility in the community.

6. Use Third Party Services

Use Third Party Services via

When talking about insurance policies, then often you will have difficulty understanding the contents of the policy in detail, this of course raises potential losses for you in the future. To find and make decisions about health insurance that is most appropriate and right for you to use.

There is no harm in asking for help from a professional third party, in this case commonly called a "broker". An insurance broker will help you to analyze your needs and also choose health insurance services from an insurance company that is the most appropriate for you to use.

7. Consider Family Health Insurance

Consider Family Health Insurance via

Currently there are insurance companies that provide health insurance services for families, where you only need to use one insurance policy for all family members. This is very effective and more economical because the amount of premium that will be paid is certainly lighter, when compared to an insurance system that applies one policy to each one person.

You can consider using a health insurance service with this system, especially if you and other family members really haven't used health insurance services from any insurance company before.

8. Understand the System Applied

Insurance Company Policy via

Basically insurance companies implement cashless systems (using participant cards) or reimbursements in their services. Both of these things will be very different and should be considered for you. In cashless systems you will find it easy when you need health services in a hospital, where you only need to bring and show your membership card when registering at the hospital. You also do not need to make a number of deposits if you will get hospitalization, so the treatment can run quickly and easily.

While in the reimbursement system, you must make a deposit when registering inpatient care, and even you are required to pay all medical expenses incurred in the hospital. After getting treatment, then you can make claims to the insurance by including the payment receipt, this will certainly be very inconvenient, considering you can get sick at any time and even when you do not have a number of fees to pay for treatment at the hospital.

9. Partner Hospital
Partner Hospital Services

Usually insurance companies already have cooperation with a number of hospitals they choose, the more number of their partner hospitals, the easier it will be to access them. That way you will have no difficulty in getting the health services you need.

Make sure you choose insurance that has an extensive network and cooperation with many hospitals, especially for those of you who choose a cashless system because this insurance service only applies in hospitals that have cooperation with the insurance company that you use.

Understand and Use the Best

Basically health insurance is a product that has a variety of rules and rules that are quite complex, so for that you must understand and understand clearly the contents of the insurance policy you use. This will help you to avoid problems and losses in the coming days, so you can get the maximum benefit from the use of health insurance that you choose.

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9 Strategies for Choosing the Right Health Insurance 9 Strategies for Choosing the Right Health Insurance Reviewed by Sulhan on August 14, 2018 Rating: 5

caring for your teeth and mouth to be healthy properly

August 10, 2018

A smile is indeed an attraction that can make a person sweet and approachable. When someone smiles, the part that will be seen is the teeth, so it is important to keep the teeth healthy so that the teeth are white, the teeth are not hollow and neatly arranged. In addition to caring for your teeth, do not forget to maintain the health of the mouth and tongue so as not to cause bad breath.

Caring for Healthy Teeth

What needs to be done to maintain healthy teeth and mouth? Here are tips for caring for your teeth and mouth to stay healthy and beautiful:

Choose Dental Floss, Avoid Toothpicks

After enjoying the food, usually there are some foods that inhabit the cracks of teeth. This situation can be disruptive and if left too long can cause tooth decay. To remove it, use a dental floss instead of using a toothpick. Dental floss will minimize friction and impact on teeth and gums. Conversely the use of a toothpick allows a tooth shift and injures the gums so that the gums bleed and infection.

Brushing Properly

How is the correct tooth brushing technique?

Brush with light pressure. Pressing too hard on your teeth will damage your teeth and gums. The gums will bleed easily and are susceptible to infection. Because of problems, the gums become imperfect to support the teeth and can cause tooth or tooth damage to date.

The correct direction of the sweep. The correct direction of brushing is a one-way vertical from the base to the end of the tooth. The goal is that the leftovers between the teeth can be swept out and the gum-tooth border is not eroded. The direction of the brace for the molars is to brush the chewed surface with a right-to-left motion such as sweeping or a rising motion.

The ideal duration of brushing your teeth is 2-3 minutes. If it's too fast, the teeth will be less clean but if it takes too long it can erode tooth enamel and irritate the gums.

Use a soft bristled toothbrush. Hard and rigid brush bristles will damage the tooth enamel. Make sure the bristles are neatly brushed and not out of line.

Choose a toothbrush with a small brush head. The size of the brush head that matches the jaw will make the teeth cleaner because it can reach the deepest part of the tooth.
caring for your teeth and mouth to be healthy properly caring for your teeth and mouth to be healthy properly Reviewed by Sulhan on August 10, 2018 Rating: 5

Can Lift Uterine Surgery Cause Early Menopause?

August 10, 2018

Menopause is a sign that a woman is no longer active in reproducing. That is, the woman can no longer have children. Usually menopause occurs in women aged over 41 years to 55 years. In some cases, there are also women who experience menopause faster than the average age.

This condition is called early menopause or premature menopause. The causes vary, ranging from genetics (offspring), unhealthy lifestyles such as smoking, and also due to certain medical conditions. Well, according to research, women who have had uterine lifting surgery have a greater risk of experiencing early menopause.

How can menopause occur?

Women have ovaries that produce estrogen and progesterone hormones. Both sex hormones control the ovulation cycle (release of eggs from the ovaries) and menstruation.

When menopause occurs, the ovaries no longer produce the hormones estrogen and progesterone so that the egg cells are no longer released and they will not occur. Women who experience this condition no longer have eggs in the walls of the uterus so that after intercourse, the incoming sperm cannot meet the egg. Finally, conception cannot be done and pregnancy cannot occur.

Risk of early menopause in women with uterine lifting surgery.

Menopause normally occurs in women over 41 years of age. However, there are some women who experience menopause faster than that age. Reporting from Healthline, women who undergo a surgical process such as hysterectomy (uterine lift surgery) and oophorectomy (ovary lift surgery, both one and two ovaries) have a higher risk of experiencing premature menopause.

Then, Dr. Patricia G. Moorman, a Duke University lecturer and her colleagues conducted a study on the side effects of hysterectomy, namely early menopause in women aged 30 to 47 years, as reported by Obgyn. The researchers looked at 406 women who underwent a hysterectomy and compared it to 465 healthy women. Researchers collected blood samples and gave questionnaires to these women every year for 5 years.

The results showed that women experienced ovarian malfunction of 14.8 percent in women with hysterectomy, while healthy women had a risk of 8 percent. The risk of early menopause is indeed higher in women who undergo surgical removal of the uterus as well as with the ovaries. However, the risk also remains high in women with a hysterectomy whose second ovary is still maintained.

Oophorectomy can indeed cause menopause to occur more quickly, because the place where sex hormones are produced is eliminated. The procedure for removing one ovary (a single oophorectomy) causes the number of sex hormones to be reduced, causing menopause to occur more quickly. While the surgical removal of two ovaries (bilateral oophorectomy) indicates that sex hormone production actually stops and menopause can occur immediately.

Then what about early menopause in women with hysterectomy? Based on research conducted by Moorman, hysterectomy affects blood flow to the ovaries which is likely to cause the production of sex hormones to decrease so that the ovaries fail to perform normal functions. In addition, hysterectomy can cause levels of FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone) to increase so as to accelerate follicular thinning, which is a factor causing menopause.

Is early menopause dangerous?

In addition to the uncomfortable symptoms of hot flashes, dry vagina, or insomnia, early menopause turns out to be quite dangerous. This condition according to the study is associated with various complications such as osteoporosis and heart disease which can cause premature death in women.

Can Lift Uterine Surgery Cause Early Menopause? Can Lift Uterine Surgery Cause Early Menopause? Reviewed by Sulhan on August 10, 2018 Rating: 5

5 Bad Effects of Energy Drinks on Body Health

August 10, 2018
Although there are no standard standards related to the definition of energy drinks, this type of beverage is marketed with an energetic impression, increases stamina, or increases energy. In terms of substance, energy drinks refer to non-alcoholic beverages, with the main ingredients such as caffeine, taurine, vitamins, sometimes accompanied by soda. Energy drinks are also equipped with other ingredients that work to be "refreshing" or stimulant.

Consumption of energy drinks is now increasingly common, not only in adolescents and adults, but also parents, even underage children, because this type of drink usually tastes sweet. The main reason someone drinks an energy drink is to get freshness and to stay active all the time. But of course forcing yourself to continue to do activities when in fact already tired is not good for health, because the body needs rest, not just stimulant drinks so the body does not feel tired. Besides that, energy drinks cause bad effects directly on the body from the ingredients in each package.

Why can't energy drinks be drunk too often?

Many energy drinks that contain excess levels needed by the body. If taken too often or more than one package per day, this drink can cause concentration disorders, nutritional imbalances, and in the long run will cause damage to the body. Ironically, the most dangerous composition is the "energy" material in the energy drink itself, namely caffeine and sugar.

Some energy drinks do not include caffeine levels contained in one package. Caffeine is the main source of "energy" in addition to other stimulant ingredients that are also contained in this type of beverage. After consuming some time, some people will experience dependence because they receive enough caffeine levels from energy drinks.

The limit of caffeine that adults can consume is around 400mg per day, but of course this can be lower or higher for some people. In energy drinks, caffeine is contained around or more than 70 mg to 200 mg, this amount can be increased from other ingredients, namely guarana which is usually contained in energy drinks. If someone also drinks other sources of caffeine such as coffee, then he can experience an overdose of caffeine which can be harmful to the heart.

Sugar is the main source of energy for the body (glucose). Usually energy drinks containing very high glucose exceed needs. High glucose consumption without being balanced with activity will lead to obesity and an increase in blood glucose levels.

One experimental study in 2010 showed that consumption of caffeine in energy drinks with too much amount would inhibit brain performance. Energy drinks are proven to improve a person's cognitive abilities but their function can decrease if consumed too much. In this study, consumption of energy drinks with a dose of 1.8ml / kg proved to be helpful in concentrating, but with a threefold higher dose (5.4ml / kg) will reduce the ability to concentrate on individuals.

Energy drinks also contain several other ingredients but they contain too little to cause benefits to the body. There are also other ingredients that are usually fulfilled without supplements such as taurine and vitamin B. Especially for B vitamins, there are several types that cannot be absorbed by drinking so that they can be immediately absorbed first.

Health risks from consumption of energy drinks

The thing you need to pay attention to is the content in every pack of energy drinks, especially caffeine, which amounts to be adjusted to your weight. Here are the effects of consuming too much energy drinks:

1. Disorders of the heart

This may be experienced by individuals who already have heart health problems. The effects on the heart are caused by excessive consumption of caffeine which causes arrhythmias, even before a person has health problems in the heart. Consumption of excess energy drinks can also cause high blood pressure. One study by Steinke and colleagues showed an increase in systolic blood pressure of 11% or about 10mmHg every time consuming energy drinks. The effect on someone with a history or risk of heart disease is heart failure which causes death.

2. Insomnia

Energy drinks are beneficial in keeping a person awake and still feeling refreshed. However, if it is misused with excessive consumption, one can not feel sleepy at all. The condition of insomnia will have an adverse effect on physical and mental health, especially concentration disorders.

3. Diabetes mellitus

This is definitely due to very high glucose levels. Consumption that is too often will cause insulin deficiency due to a lot of sugar in the blood. Energy drinks themselves already have high sugar levels, and if added glucose from other foods will cause a burden on the performance of the pancreas in producing the hormone insulin.

4. Dependence

This condition is similar to the condition of caffeine dependence in general. However, dependence on energy drinks can also be caused by other stimulants so that the body needs energy drinks to do heavy work. Addiction to caffeine in high doses will also be very difficult to eliminate, as a result, dependency individuals may consume energy drinks again even for a long time. If you want to stop dependence and stop drinking energy drinks, someone might experience headaches as a symptom of withdrawal or "sakaw".

5. Overdose of vitamin B

Energy drinks contain various B vitamins, one of them is Niacin (vitamin B3). Vitamin B is generally needed in small amounts and can be met without energy drinks or supplements. However, vitamin B poisoning may occur if a person consumes more energy than one pack per day. Symptoms caused are skin irritation, dizziness, arrhythmias, vomiting, and diarrhea. Do not rule out the possibility of hypervitaminosis B condition which causes the beginning of nerve and liver damage.
5 Bad Effects of Energy Drinks on Body Health 5 Bad Effects of Energy Drinks on Body Health Reviewed by Sulhan on August 10, 2018 Rating: 5

Here comes the 10 Great Benefits of Mineral Water for the Body

August 10, 2018

The need for intake for our body is one of the important things we must pay attention to, Ladies. Not only food, but also the drinks we consume everyday, mineral water for example. Sometimes many people underestimate mineral water, even though there are many benefits we can get.

Launching from the Stylecraze page, mineral water is a mixture of important minerals such as magnesium, sodium, calcium, and potassium which have unexpected benefits for our bodies. Unlike boiled water or tap water that is self-cooked, mineral water can improve overall health and skin condition after consuming it regularly.

If you want to know the benefits of mineral water in detail, see the information below, please!

1. Maintaining Bone Health
In bone formation, calcium content has a very important role. It has calcium, mineral water is very good if you consume it every day. Make sure your calcium daily supplements, because the content is able to strengthen bones, teeth, to keep your nails to stay healthy.

2. Regulate Body Fat
Mineral water is a fat-free supplement that offers to keep the metabolism of fat in your body well maintained. Consuming mineral water can help you break down fat to burn a few extra layers of fat in your body, Ladies. Replacing your sodamu with mineral water can keep your body slim and slim.

3. Maintain Blood Pressure
If you have problems with high blood pressure, mineral water is the right thing for you to consume regularly. Because, mineral water consists of magnesium and calcium, where both contents are actively involved in the electrolytic process of the human brain and body. This electrolytic balance is very important for maintaining blood pressure in your health, Ladies.

4. Avoid Heart Disease
Mineral water has the power of metabolizing fat from the human body, this ensures that the production of bad cholesterol will be inhibited in your body. Bad cholesterol that settles in your body will potentially block blood circulation so that it can cause blood pressure and risk of heart disease. By consuming mineral water regularly will reopen the blocked pathway in your bloodstream, Ladies.

5. Healthy digestion in the body
Also known as sulfate which can produce enzymes for digestion, mineral water is effective for alleviating problems such as bloating and constipation, Ladies. Besides that it is also able to reduce toxins that can attack the intestine, so that the acidity problem in the body will disappear and your digestion will also be smoother.

6. Increase Physical Awareness
Mineral ait also has a mixture of various magnesium and potassium contents. This content is needed for growth and function of human muscles which will improve muscle response well. The muscles will become more supportive of contractions and expansion. Therefore, mineral water can increase physical alertness and goodness for the body as a whole.

7. Increase Brain Memory
The content of potassium contained in mineral water is also useful for filling memory or activating electrolytes in the brain. Therefore, mineral water is the right choice to improve the memory and concentration of everyone. This also relates to increasing alertness and can inhibit fatigue or also lethargy in human mentality, Ladies.

8. Good for Skin Care
The content of silicon dioxide or better known as silica is also found in mineral water. Silica itself is a natural secret to healthy and beautiful skin. This content can trigger collagen production in human skin. Collagen formation can reduce the formation of wrinkles, black spots that can make the skin become more dull, Ladies. By consuming mineral water will make the skin free of stains, more moist, supple, and more radiant.

9. Relieve Arthritis
Arthritis is a type of disease that causes inflammation in the joints. And apparently, the active minerals and compounds found in mineral water become drugs that are believed to reduce inflammation and pain in arthritis, Ladies. The antu-inflammatory benefits of mineral water are also able to reduce swelling in the joints.

10. Make Hair Stronger
Maintaining healthy hair is also quite difficult for women. Especially for those of you who have a myriad of outdoor activities, because of pollution and sun which can greatly damage the quality of your hair. Ladies, it turns out that mineral water is also able to restore the lost power in your hair. Your hair will also look more radiant with the content in mineral water which is able to restore PH levels to normal on the scalp from the inside.

It turns out there are so many Ladies, the benefits that we can digest from consuming mineral water every day. So, from now on replace the sweet and sodamu drinks with mineral water, so that the content needed by your body can be fulfilled every day.
Here comes the 10 Great Benefits of Mineral Water for the Body Here comes the 10 Great Benefits of Mineral Water for the Body Reviewed by Sulhan on August 10, 2018 Rating: 5

Before Shaving Hair in Miss V Area, Pay Attention to These Important Terms!

August 10, 2018

Fine hair in the Miss V area does not often make a woman feel disturbed. Moreover, if this hair thrives and is thick. Hair in intimate areas that are too fertile and dense according to experts can make intimate areas moist. If it is moist, this will not infrequently make the area of ​​the sex organs feel uncomfortable, susceptible to

Because of the discomfort, many people decided to shave their hair in the area of ​​their intimate organs. But ladies, about shaving hair in the area of ​​the sex organs is it one of the right actions?

Launching from page, shaving hair in the area of ​​intimate organs is actually not a problem and may be done. However, there are some important conditions to be considered before deciding to shave existing hair.

dr. Neni Anggraeni, Sp.OG, specialist in Obstetrics and Gynecology at RSB Permata Sarana Husada said, "Shaving may be because if it is too thick it can make the area of ​​the intimate organ moist. The good is not to run out, leave it about 1 cm long. Don't get too thick. But don't shave off because it can cause injury, cause irritation in the place where hair grows. "

Yes, for the sake of comfort and health of the sex organs, we may shave the hair around it. It's just that, it's important for us not to shave off. Keep on leaving the hair.

In addition, doctor Neni also suggested that we always wear cotton underwear and be friendly to our intimate organs. You should also use underwear that can absorb sweat and provide better air circulation. I hope this information is helpful.
Before Shaving Hair in Miss V Area, Pay Attention to These Important Terms! Before Shaving Hair in Miss V Area, Pay Attention to These Important Terms! Reviewed by Sulhan on August 10, 2018 Rating: 5

Here Is the Benefits of Sauna for Health

August 10, 2018

For those of you who live in urban areas or you who are members of a gym or spa, you may have tried or used to do a sauna. This small room for a warm steam bath with a temperature of around 70 degrees Celsius is favored by many people. Not only is the comfort gained, sitting in a sauna room can also make the body sweat and bring health benefits.

The benefits of a sauna for health

Among modern society, saunas are part of a lifestyle that is often used for relaxation, dispel various diseases, and believed women have benefits for beauty. Without length, here is a series of health benefits for a sauna.

1. Creating a sense of comfort and relaxation

Being indoors surrounded by warm steam will increase your heart rate and blood vessels throughout your body. This condition will facilitate blood circulation throughout the body. With a smooth body flow, the muscles will experience relaxation so that the body feels more relaxed and comfortable.

2. Maintain heart health

A Finnish study conducted on 2,315 men aged 42-60 years showed that people who regularly use a sauna have a risk of dying from lower heart disease. It was also reported that sauna 2-3 times a week can reduce the risk of death from heart disease by 22 percent. If the sauna is done 4-7 times per week, then this habit will reduce the risk of death from heart disease by 50 percent. Most likely this can happen because the ability of the sauna greetings decreases a person's stress level, so the risk of heart disease also decreases.

3. Relieve breathing in people who are coughing or experiencing asthma

Warm steam in a sauna room can help widen the airway while diluting phlegm. This is very useful to relieve breathing in people who are experiencing airway infections or in people with asthma.

4. Overcoming joint pain

For patients with rheumatism or other types of arthritis, staying in a sauna has proven effective for reducing joint pain and inflammation. This is due to the ability of the saura to accelerate the circulation of the body, so that anti-inflammatory hormones are also released by the body during a sauna.

Can a sauna also lose weight?

In addition to the four benefits above, many people do saunas because of the lure of weight loss. Apparently, this is a wrong assumption! Saunas are not effective for weight loss. In fact, what happens when a sauna is a decrease in body fluids due to a lot of sweat coming out. Weight loss will indeed decrease, but its nature is temporary. After you drink, the weight will return to normal.

Apart from the many health benefits produced from saunas, there are several signs that you must pay attention to, namely:

1. Avoid sudden changes in temperature (for example, after a sauna with warm steam do not immediately swim in cold water). Sudden temperature changes can cause sudden changes in blood pressure.
2. Saunas are not recommended for people with kidney problems because they can cause the body to sweat a lot. This condition can cause dehydration.

3. Limit the time for a sauna to a maximum of 20 minutes per session. If you are trying for the first time, limit it to only 5-10 minutes.

4. Drink 300-600 milliliters of water after a sauna to avoid dehydration.

5. Do not consume alcohol before and after the sauna.

6. For patients with heart failure, coronary heart disease, and low blood pressure (hypotension), you should consult a doctor before doing a sauna.

Interested in trying a sauna this weekend or after returning from the office? Pay attention to the signs, so that you get optimal benefits from the sauna and avoid unwanted risks. Good luck!
Here Is the Benefits of Sauna for Health Here Is the Benefits of Sauna for Health Reviewed by Sulhan on August 10, 2018 Rating: 5
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