4 Extraordinary Benefits of Turmeric for Your Skin Health

Turmeric is an ancient seasoning that is popularly used as a flavoring agent and natural coloring in food, as well as a medicinal herb to treat several disorders.

Turmeric has been used in Asian cuisine and medicine for centuries to treat various conditions.

Recent research focuses on the benefits offered by turmeric to fight infections, reduce inflammation, and treat several types of cancer, digestive problems, liver problems and various other similar problems.

The use of turmeric since ancient times

Because it has anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties, turmeric has also been used for thousands of years to treat various skin problems and heal wounds, such as acne scars .

The skin is the largest part of the body's organs and is the first line of defense for our internal system. Protect the body from loss of water or dehydration, heat, allergens, microbes and all other environmental and chemical compounds that can harm us.

Healthy skin, not only guarantees the protection of the body, but also plays an important role in our appearance.

Disorders such as hives, zits, rashes, eczema , psoriasis, dandruff, cellulite, dermatitis and many more are found worldwide and their prevalence is usually based on external environmental conditions and genetics in certain areas.

As mentioned, turmeric has antioxidant properties, great healing and is very efficient in treating a number of skin disorders, from trivial problems such as redness to the worst such as skin cancer.

Benefits of Turmeric for Skin Health

  • Helps wound healing

Topical turmeric ointments, lotions, creams, and masks can help reduce local inflammation caused by acne, psoriasis, eczema, and burns. Anti-bacterial properties in turmeric help treat wounds and speed healing, thus preventing the spread of infection.
The benefits of turmeric can also be obtained by taking herbal medicines containing turmeric such as Beauty Golds  which can  help speed up the healing process of acne scars, and other benefits for body health.
  • Overcoming skin cancer

The next benefit of turmeric is to treat skin cancer. Skin cancer is one of the most common types of cancer. Several factors such as UV light, chemicals, and genetics affect the occurrence of this disorder which begins in the epidermal layer of the skin and spreads to the base layer of the skin. (source: Cancer Research UK )
Skin cancer not only affects the inner skin structure but also worsens appearance. Turmeric has been shown to help reduce these symptoms, not only on the outside of the affected skin, but also to help reduce tumors inside.
Turmeric has strong antioxidant activity that helps reduce the growth of skin tumor cells. All the benefits of this turmeric combined and used together in the form of ointments, masks, or consumed directly, are proven to help fight skin cancer effectively.
  • Helps Overcome Acne

Acne is one of the most common skin conditions affecting millions of people worldwide.
Inflammation of acne can damage a person's appearance and can affect work and social life. Natural remedies using turmeric can be beneficial for acne.
Turmeric has the potential to kill P.acnes bacteria which causes acne and reduces the amount of oil produced by the sebaceous glands .
In particular, turmeric mixed with glycerin or vitamin E and applied overnight to acne has been shown to dramatically reduce the size of acne.
When combined with eggs, yogurt, honey and some other substances that are healthy for the skin, and applied regularly, this prevents the appearance of pimples and also improves skin texture.
Beauty Golds with turmeric extract and mangosteen peel extract have proven effective in lightening the skin and resolving the problem of acne from the body.
  • Overcoming other skin problems (dry skin, inflammation, etc.)

Dry skin damage is caused by excessive use of drugs and cosmetics, sunlight, and wind. When the skin becomes dry, feels rough and can even experience cracks.
This crack will start to itch. Itching can cause injury and bleeding. Skin allergic reactions can be caused by allergens in plants or certain chemicals, foods or drugs.
Severe allergies must be referred to a doctor immediately. For mild skin allergies and dry skin, your doctor can recommend turmeric ointment to apply to cracked skin.
Turmeric has anti-inflammatory properties which relieve swelling, swelling and redness. The wound will heal faster and the itching decreases by regularly using topical turmeric.
The benefits of turmeric for skin health can be obtained by consuming it together with food, or by using supplements containing turmeric extract to help cleanse the body internally and prevent problems on the surface of the skin.
4 Extraordinary Benefits of Turmeric for Your Skin Health 4 Extraordinary Benefits of Turmeric for Your Skin Health Reviewed by Sulhan on August 14, 2018 Rating: 5
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